Paul Brooks has been up to his neck in charitable work for over 40 years. Describing himself as a “committed, but rather faltering, follower of Jesus”, his constant prayer is “Thy kingdom come”, which he sees as bringing help and hope to hurting, despairing, anguished people, whoever and wherever they may be. “To me, Root and Branch is the culmination of decades of hard lessons learned through countless opportunities to participate in the transformation of lives in many parts of the world. And one of the greatest of those lessons is the realisation that the big, powerful people are not the biggest change makers – it’s the small, ordinary, humble people, and even those who are damaged”, says Paul.

Sue Brooks has been married to Paul for 44 years and as well as involvement in many of the initiatives referred to above, she made advising young people on their careers her own career, developing a specialism in supporting young people with special needs to discover their way of making a contribution to society after they emerged from school-age provision. She is a gifted administrator and highly-effective listening ear.
Sue and Paul are part of St Mary’s Church, Chesham, UK.