Root and Branch Foundation is always keen to seize opportunities to mobilise people into mission. We see it is a vital part of who we are as committed Christians – his last instruction to his followers was to “go into all the world and make disciples” and the way we see it, giving people first-hand experience of other cultures, coming face-to-face with poverty and hopelessness, and seeing lives transformed by the power of the gospel, changes those who go forever.
We only go where and when invited by indigenous church and community leaders and see our missions as a means of encouraging those to whom we go to get stuck in and be change-makers. We steadfastly refuse to do what the local people can do themselves, but seek to stimulate them to become more effective disciples, just as Jesus instructed us.
Through past missions, we have helped equip families in South Africa to grow fresh vegetables for hungry children, renovated and equipped pre-school education centres and worked with local people to provide a purpose-built girls crisis centre.
Looking ahead, we are committed to accepting an invitation to stand with a vibrant church in Munsieville Township to develop the discipleship of their members, supporting them to reach out to the hurting, damaged people of their community in practical expressions of the Good News of the Kingdom of God.
No dates have been fixed for future missions due to Covid-19 travel restrictions, but please contact us to register your interest so you can be the first to know about new mission opportunities.