Root and Branch is undergirded by a set of values that shape our actions, and beliefs that inspire them.
Here are the main points:
We are a Christian, faith-driven organisation, seeking to follow the teaching and instruction of Jesus Christ in all we do at the same time as serving all people equally, irrespective of their faith systems.
We are made in God’s image and that means there is absolutely no room for discrimination of any kind. That means that participation in our activities and opportunities, and the delivery of services will be available to all – zero discrimination on grounds of race, colour, creed, gender, sexual orientation. Jesus loves everyone and we are determined to follow his lead.
We also believe that every man, woman and child on earth is wired to make the world a better place and are eager to work with all who share that belief.
Our world is precious and, just as we all have both the responsibility and the resources to enhance each other’s lives, so we share the responsibility for the environment. This means that wherever possible, we seek to act in a responsible way in regard to our products and to the delivery of services.
PEAT: When peat is dug from the ground, it releases huge amounts of carbon into the atmosphere, contributing to climate change. However, switching to peat-free alternatives is far from straightforward and can have other damaging impacts on the environment. Therefore, we are committed to phasing out all peat usage by 2025 but will be led by our own research and that of organisations such as the Royal Horticultural Society when choosing alternative growing composts to ensure that they are sustainable and kind to the environment.
SINGLE USE PLASTIC: Plastic is a very useful product when used in the right way. To us, dumping plastic into landfill is plain wrong and we avoid it like the plague. We use plastic pots to grow many of our plants – actually, it can really help reduce our water usage – and may supply plants in plastic pots. But we ask you to retain them and sell them back to us. We will give you 10p per pot up to 12cm high and 20p for larger pots.
We believe in the Kingdom of God as described by Jesus Christ in the Gospels. As Christians, we accept that as followers of Jesus, we have a responsibility to pray, in the words of Jesus, “Your will be done, on earth as in heaven”, and to continue his ministry of proclaiming “good news to the poor …. freedom for the prisoners and recovery of sight for the blind, to set the oppressed free” Luke 4:18.
That’s good old-fashioned Bible talk for integrity and transparency. We aim to keep short accounts with our customers, partners, suppliers, beneficiaries, volunteers and the general public. To this end, we will ensure scrupulous accounting of all funds and resources, regular published reports and report meetings.